Good Things To Come

"Some blessings come soon, some come late and some don't come until Heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ- They come. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." Jeffery R. Holland

Friday, July 23, 2010

She's my kid alright.....

So Ally has this lighthouse book. It's a story about helping others and letting your light shine. I've been reading it to her since she was born. It's one of her favorite books. So after reading it for the 10th time today, I asked for her to find things on the pages. This was our conversation tonight before bed.

Mom: Ally, can you find the boat? ( there is a boat on each page of the book)

Ally: No

Mom: Ally, can you find the boat?

Ally: No

Mom: Can you tell me where the boat is?

Ally takes the book from my hands puts it on the ground and starting at the beginning of the book turns to each page and with attitude says " There it is, There it is , There it is" until each boat on each page is pointed out in the entire book. Then she walks away.

I think I just got told off by a 20 month old.

And mom- no comments aloud!

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