Good Things To Come

"Some blessings come soon, some come late and some don't come until Heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ- They come. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." Jeffery R. Holland

Saturday, February 19, 2011

One-Eyed Willie

Jonathan vs. Metal sliver

Well he lost. He got a metal sliver in his right eye that had us trying to track down an eye doctor Saturday morning. There is one doctor in Eagar, but they weren't open on Saturdays and when we called in the emergency the doctor couldn't help us any way because he was in Utah. But he did recommend two doctors in Show Low, which is an hour away. Only one was open on Saturdays ( how do you get away with not being open on Saturday is beyond me) so we loaded up and traveled to Show Low. The Sliver was deep- in the third layer of the eye and we only have five layers I believe, and it had rusted to his eye because it had been in there for more than 4 hours. Who knew? Anyway, so the doctor numbs his eye and goes to work. They remove the sliver, the rust and the damage tissue. He's got to wear an eye patch for 2 days and hopefully it won't get infected nor will it scar too much or it could affect his eye sight. It was a rough day! Ally was fine until she saw the eye patch and realized that her daddy was actually hurt- she cried almost the whole way home " my daddy eye my daddy eye" She's been trying take care of him all day. It's really cute. He slept when we got home and she cracked the door to our room and kept checking on him. We go back to the doctor tomorrow- he's opening up just to check it out for us- so we will see if the nickname one-eyed Willie will stick.


  1. Poor guy! I hope there's no permanant damage! Alli was so cute being all worried about her daddy! Even if he doesn't keep the patch, we can just call him One-Eyed Willie from now on ;)

  2. Ouch to the nth degree! Ally is so sweet to worry about daddy. I hope everything heals well!
