Good Things To Come

"Some blessings come soon, some come late and some don't come until Heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ- They come. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." Jeffery R. Holland

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I don't wanna take a nap!

Ally is 2 and 1/2 and is trying to give up naps. I know- it's terrible. Worst decision she could ever make. I'm hoping she gives up on the idea and realizes that she still needs one. Majorly still needs one. Because if she doesn't then we end up with this:

around dinner time. Not cool! Plus it totally ruins my day... I'm not even going to lie and act like I don't love me some naptime. So I have to be sneaky about it. She still has to go to bed, we just call it quiet time now. She may or may not be quiet and she may or may not sleep. But I told her she must have quiet time. This is how our conversation went:

Me: You need to have quiet time, to relax. Plus mom needs to workout so that she won't be fat.
Ally: No mom, you're not fat. no work out.
Me: Nice try- but I still have to work out and you still have to have quiet time.

(but wasn't that sweet for her to tell me I wasn't fat!! What a good little girl)

Plus she really really still needs one- for her own good. Girl gets mean! I hope she gives up on this no nap thing and I get more and more days of this:

See.... it's so beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I love me some naptime too! I hope she snaps out of it! Mhari gave up way too early too :(. At least she goes to quiet time so Mommy can have quiet time ;). It's a necessary transition!
    -oh, and yes she's a good girl to say you're not fat ;)
