Good Things To Come

"Some blessings come soon, some come late and some don't come until Heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ- They come. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." Jeffery R. Holland

Monday, May 24, 2010

Alyson is hilarious! Either she says no and runs from pictures or she does her version of a pose. These are her latest poses.
Well, we made the trip to Utah and Arizona and back. We totaled 3065 miles, or 56 hours of driving. Ally did a wonderful job on the trip- we were blessed. I'm sure the Lord was tried of hearing from me, because I was sure praying a lot that she would be comfortable, make the trip okay and no scream! Jenny's wedding was great, though there wasn't a lot of visiting time. We will have to do anything visit some time soon. Maybe after we move closer! Jonathan and I decided that anything longer than 12 hours- we fly! My camera is momentarily misplaced.... so as soon as I find it- I will have more pictures. Plus, I need pictures from the trip sent to me.

Things to note: Alyson is officially 18 months old and able to attend nursery. She did fabulous on Sunday- went right in and climbed up in a chair and started saying "hi" to everyone at her table. I hope that she continues to do well. I was told that during singing time, she danced around instead of singing. Pure Ally. It was kinda weird to see her sitting all big-kid like at the table in nursery. I didn't get all sappy or anything, but it was kind of like "huh... she's really turning into a big kid..."

She is still the best of helpers and is getting really good at playing with other kids. She still doesn't say much, just a few basic words. I'm going to talk to her doctor at her 18 months check up to see if there is anything else I should be doing to help her in the speech department.

House is still up for sale- hard to keep it spotless with Ally and Jonathan around, but doing my best. Timeline for move to Arizona is still up in the air.

1 comment:

  1. Lacy!! It was so so SOOOO great to see you and Ali and I guess Jonathan too ;) I am glad to hear Ali did well on the trip. We pray you can move closer because we sure do like you a lot. Thanks for keeping up the blog and for the pictures of Ali. It's been so much fun to see.
