Good Things To Come

"Some blessings come soon, some come late and some don't come until Heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ- They come. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." Jeffery R. Holland

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Funny

Ally thought it would be funny to take pictures of her different body parts. So first we took a picture of her eyes and her mouth and I showed her how they pieced together. We took more, and we printed them out and let her put her body together like a puzzle. It was pretty funny.

And speaking of funny... she's really into her Ovaltine. Or as she calls it- chocolate milk. I told her it was time for 'quiet time" as we can no longer call it nap time without her engaging in a screaming match of "I don't wanna take a nap" and she ran to get ready. I found the chocolate milk in her bed. Whatever gets you through quiet time girl.


  1. I don't think I've ever had Ovaltine. Seriously! Is it good?

    I love the puzzle made of picture body parts idea. I'm going to steal that!

  2. Love it... and yes, whatever get's you through quiet time ;). Glad you had a good Happy Mom Party day and wow, love the wummer :). Yay, for blog updates!
