Good Things To Come

"Some blessings come soon, some come late and some don't come until Heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ- They come. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." Jeffery R. Holland

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break-out

She had a lot of fun Me-maw time. She loves to swing. This is out at Stormy and Kim's house in Texas.

She thought she was as big as everyone else-even on the trampoline. Love the mid air shot.

We also got to visit with my aunt Carol and her kids. We went to a park near my mom's house. Ally really liked my cousins Ashley and Anna. She insisted that they play with her- and they were so fabulous to let me rest while they did! Love them!

Ally and Audrina reading with my mom, their Me-Maw. They are just over a year apart.

Ally and her cousins. We were only missing Sienna, too bad we weren't able to fly her in too!

The Story....

The plan was for Ally and I do road trip to Texas and spend spring break with my family. It sounded good at the time, but really- one of the dumbest ideas ever.... the driving alone part. I'm not proud of this- but I totally panicked and ended up all sick and had to beg Jonathan to fly in and drive us back. I know! I don't know what happened but evidently I need the boy for things like driving on long road trips. The ride back I was only a little sick and totally worth it even if it meant Jonathan practically traveled the equivalent of cross country to do it. He's a good guy. He got a steak out of it though- so I'm sure it was worth it to him too. :)

Anyway, we lucked out and Audrina, my brother's Sheldon's daughter, was in town as well so we got to see all but one of her cousins on my side. She had a blast and we loved seeing everyone.

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